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Software architect, technical lead and developer

Síntese de Qualificações

Solid background leading complex architecture design, structuring and maintenance using microservices and APIs, Strong knowledge in system analysis and development, architecture definitions and object-oriented programming. Mastering the Java EE programming language and C .NET for the development of complex and secure systems with demand for high-performance and high availability. Strong concern with the quality of the code and the operation of the solutions, with attention to good practices. Efficiency in the elaboration of unitary, integration and functional tests. Practical experience with relational and non-relational databases. Logical reasoning, critical sense and agility in solving problems. Professional experience with agile methods such as Scrum and Kanban.

Experiência Profissional

  • Senior Software Architect

    Architecture and software development in the Typescript NestJS, C .NET Core 6 with Web APIs, GitHub Actions, DevOps, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), Microservices, Testing Pyramid, Automated tests, Unit Tests, Integration Tests, E2E Tests, Mutation Tests, API Rest, Restful APIs, SonarCloud, Windows, Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, K8S, AKS, SQL and NoSQL (MongoDB) and Apache Kafka.
    API-First Approach, agile methodologies and scrum.
    Extreme programming practices like mob and pair programming, refactoring.
    Best practices like Twelve Factor App, SOLID and Clean Architecture. Versioning with Git. Ubuntu, WSL, Command line, VSCode, JetBrains Rider and IntelliJ IDEA.Architecture and software development in the Typescript NestJS, C .NET Core 6 with Web APIs, GitHub Actions, DevOps, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), Microservices, Testing Pyramid, Automated tests, Unit Tests, Integration Tests, E2E Tests, Mutation Tests, API Rest, Restful APIs, SonarCloud, Windows, Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, K8S, AKS, SQL and NoSQL (MongoDB) and Apache Kafka. API-First Approach, agile methodologies and scrum. Extreme programming practices like mob and pair programming, refactoring. Best practices like Twelve Factor App, SOLID and Clean Architecture. Versioning with Git. Ubuntu, WSL, Command line, VSCode, JetBrains Rider and IntelliJ IDEA.
    Skills: Representational State Transfer (REST) System Architecture Teamwork Software Development Back-End Web Development Project Implementation Relational Databases Design Patterns TypeScript Scrum .NET Core Git Agile Methodologies NoSQL Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Software Engineer Specialist - Software Engineer Specialist (3/2021 a 8/2021)

    Participation in the definition of new product features.
    Conducting sessions of architectural definition and technical clarification, involving the interested areas.
    Sharing knowledge and training other developers on the team whenever necessary.
    Creation and optimization of systems, modules, queries, components and libraries.
    Creation of unit tests and integration tests.
    Deploy and use tools that contribute to the software development cycle.
    Review of code created by other developers, giving suggestions for improvements.
    Participation in the definition of new product features. Conducting sessions of architectural definition and technical clarification, involving the interested areas. Sharing knowledge and training other developers on the team whenever necessary. Creation and optimization of systems, modules, queries, components and libraries. Creation of unit tests and integration tests. Deploy and use tools that contribute to the software development cycle. Review of code created by other developers, giving suggestions for improvements.
    Skills: Representational State Transfer (REST) Teamwork Software Development Back-End Web Development Project Implementation Design Patterns TypeScript Git Agile Methodologies NoSQL
  • Software Engineer - John Deere (7/2020 a 3/2021)

    Requirements analysis, architecture and software development in the Java 11 with Spring Boot, Data, JPA, Security, Okta, Microservices, Testing Pyramid, Restful API, Terraform, React Native (Mobile), React (Web), AWS Lambda, SonarQube, Typescript, TSLint, Windows, Linux. API-First Approach, Agile methodologies and scrum. Versioning with GIT. Ubuntu, SQL Server, Virtual Box, Command line, VSCode, Eclipse.Requirements analysis, architecture and software development in the Java 11 with Spring Boot, Data, JPA, Security, Okta, Microservices, Testing Pyramid, Restful API, Terraform, React Native (Mobile), React (Web), AWS Lambda, SonarQube, Typescript, TSLint, Windows, Linux. API-First Approach, Agile methodologies and scrum. Versioning with GIT. Ubuntu, SQL Server, Virtual Box, Command line, VSCode, Eclipse.
    Skills: Representational State Transfer (REST) System Architecture Teamwork Software Development Back-End Web Development Project Implementation Relational Databases Design Patterns TypeScript Scrum Linux Git Agile Methodologies
  • Senior Software Architect - CIT (11/2019 a 7/2020)

    Requirements analysis, architecture and software development in the Java language (J2EE) with SpringBoot, Microservices, Testing Pyramid, Restful API, NoSQL (MongoDB), Ubuntu Linux, SonarCloud, Lint. API-First Approach, Agile methodologies and scrum. Versioning with GIT. Ubuntu, SQL Server, Virtual Box, Command line, Visual Code, Eclipse.Requirements analysis, architecture and software development in the Java language (J2EE) with SpringBoot, Microservices, Testing Pyramid, Restful API, NoSQL (MongoDB), Ubuntu Linux, SonarCloud, Lint. API-First Approach, Agile methodologies and scrum. Versioning with GIT. Ubuntu, SQL Server, Virtual Box, Command line, Visual Code, Eclipse.
    Skills: Representational State Transfer (REST) System Architecture Teamwork Software Development Back-End Web Development Project Implementation Spring Security Spring Data Design Patterns Scrum Linux Spring Boot Apache Maven Git RabbitMQ Agile Methodologies NoSQL Spring Framework
  • Senior technical lead - Robert Bosch Ltda (4/2011 a 11/2019)

    Requirements analysis, architecture and software development in the Java language (J2EE) with SpringMVC, SpringBoot, Restful API, Relational Databases, NoSQL, Linux, JavaScript, JQuery, SonarQ, Lint. Agile methodologies and scrum.
    Versioning with GIT and SVN.

    API Management, Keycloak, Liferay, Ubuntu, DreamFactory, Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, Virtual Box, Command line, Visual Code, Eclipse, Microsoft Office, Remote Desktop, Internet Information Service.
    Requirements analysis, architecture and software development in the Java language (J2EE) with SpringMVC, SpringBoot, Restful API, Relational Databases, NoSQL, Linux, JavaScript, JQuery, SonarQ, Lint. Agile methodologies and scrum. Versioning with GIT and SVN. API Management, Keycloak, Liferay, Ubuntu, DreamFactory, Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, Virtual Box, Command line, Visual Code, Eclipse, Microsoft Office, Remote Desktop, Internet Information Service.
    Skills: Representational State Transfer (REST) System Architecture Web Services Teamwork Software Development Back-End Web Development System Maintenance Project Implementation Spring Security Spring Data Relational Databases Design Patterns Linux SQL Java Spring Boot Apache Maven Git RabbitMQ Keycloak Agile Methodologies Spring Framework
  • Developer / Analyst C .NET - Sonda Procwork (7/2010 a 3/2011)

    Component development using technologies Microsoft SharePoint, C .NET, WebServices, WCF, Design Patterns, NUnit, SAP RFC, AGILE Methodology.
  • Developer / Analyst Java - Sonda Procwork (10/2009 a 6/2010)

    Software developer J2EE, Liferay, MySQL, JSF, ICEFaces, Facelets, WebServices, Oracle, JUnit, Metro e Javascript. Development Environment Eclipse IDE. Project: Bosch eCommerce Latin America. AGILE Methodology.
  • Developer / Analyst - AsGa Soluções em Telecom (7/2009 a 10/2009)

    Software developer J2EE, HTML, JSP, XML e Javascript, ambiente de desenvolvimento Eclipse, Postgresql e SQL Server. Mainly intranet solutions. Frameworks: AjaxAnywhere, Apache Commons, C3P0, DisplayTag, DWR, Fremarker, Hibernate 3, iText, JPA, JUnit, Log4J, Mentawai, XStream
  • Developer / Analyst / Java C .NET - Sonda Procwork (7/2006 a 4/2009)

    Software Developer C .NET, HTML, Banco de Dados SQL Server / RFC (Remote Function Call) no SAP, IDEs Visual Studio 2003/2005/2008.

    Software Developer J2EE, HTML, JSP, XML e Javascript, WebSphere 6.x e Oracle (PL/SQL). E-Commerce Portal development and maintenance.
  • Systems Analyst - BRQ / Cliente IBM International Business (1/2006 a 6/2006)

    Mainframe systems analyst in COBOL language, with DB2 and IMS, specifying programs for mainframe banking, support requests from the companys largest customers.
  • Tech lead / java developer - INGRIS Management of Telecomunication Infrastruc (6/2004 a 12/2005)

    Tech lead / java developer Java J2EE, HTML, JSP, XML and JavaScript, and DreamWeaver development environment, accessing MySQL and Oracle. Developing software for control of Telecommunications Infrastructure.
  • Developer - CPM Braxis / Cliente Bradesco (4/2003 a 5/2004)

    Java programmer J2EE, HTML, JSP, XML and JavaScript, Eclipse and DreamWeaver development environment, accessing Oracle and Mainframe Transactions. Developing software for the banking system. Projects for bradesco banking.

Formação Acadêmica

  • Pós-graduação (3/2022 a Atual)

    Solutions Architecture MBA - FIAP
  • Pós-graduação (10/2002 a 12/2003)

    Desenvolvimento em Ambiente Internet - CEFET - PR
  • Superior (1/1998 a 12/2001)

    Tecnologia em Processamento de Dados - CEFET - PR

Cursos e Certificações

Curso Programador Java
Instituição: CEFET-PR
Duração: 248 horas
Habilidades: Programação Java Intermediário e Avançado, Programação para Web.

Curso Técnico Programador em Mainframe
(Cobol, IMS, DB2, Telon e SBAT3000)
Instituição: CPM S.A., CEFET-PR, SERT-PR
Duração: 1004 horas
Habilidades: Introduction to Data Processing, Programming Logic and COBOL I and II Language, Construction, management and maintenance of DB2 Database aimed at Mainframes, Data manipulation via screens in interaction with the user, Program Development using the CA Telon tool and middleware systems.

Conhecimentos Gerais

Linguagens e Ferramentas:
Linguagem Java (J2EE), SpringMVC, SpringBoot, Restful API, Bancos de dados relacionais (Relational DataBases), NoSQL, Linux, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular 2.0, Docker, Continuous Integration, SonarQ, Lint. Metodologias ágeis e scrum. Versionamento com GIT e SVN. API Management, Keycloak, Liferay, Ubuntu, DreamFactory, Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, VirtualBox, Command line, Visual Code, Eclipse, Microsoft Office, Remote Desktop, Internet Information Service, NGINX, Apache Tomcat.

Banco de Dados:
Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, Firebird.

HTML 5, CSS3, XML, JSON, MVC, JPA, Hibernate.

Análise e Projeto de Sistemas:
Analise Estruturada, Análise Essencial, Análise Orientada a Objetos com ênfase em UML, Metodologia Case.

Inglês Avançado.

Currículos para TI, Tecnologia da Informação em Campinas e região


Analista de TI

Campinas - SP


TI ou administração

Campinas - SP


Tecnologia da Informação

Campinas - SP


Analista de dados

Campinas - SP



Campinas - SP


desenvolvedor Back-End

Campinas - SP


Suporte Técnico

Campinas - SP


Analista de Suporte ,Telecomunicações, Monitoração

Campinas - SP


Estagio TI, Auxiliar adminstrativo, desenvolvedor

Campinas - SP



Campinas - SP



Campinas - SP



Campinas - SP


Estágio de Ti

Campinas - SP



Campinas - SP


Analista de Banco de dados

Campinas - SP



Campinas - SP


Analista de Sistemas Sr

Campinas - SP


Analista de BackOffice

Campinas - SP


Desenvolvedor ou logistica

Campinas - SP


Assistente de testes

Campinas - SP


Analista de Indicadores

Campinas - SP


Analista / Desenvolvedor / Consultor

Campinas - SP


Desenvolvedor Python

Campinas - SP


Suporte Bilingue

Campinas - SP


Consultor BW

Campinas - SP



Campinas - SP


Analista de Infraestrutura

Campinas - SP


Analista de Suporte NOC

Campinas - SP



Campinas - SP


Coordenador de Marketing

Campinas - SP


Coordenador PMO

Campinas - SP


Gerente de TI / Gerente de Projeto

Campinas - SP


Gerente/Coordenador de Projetos e/ou Analista de Negócios

Campinas - SP